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HERO: Rodney Smith Jr. 
NOMINATED BY: Shara Jones, Archer Travel Service

Rodney Smith Jr. started Raising Men Lawn Care and the 50 yard challenge to help the youth of today be upstanding adults tomorrow. "It is a platform where the younger members of the community can give back to the community." What started as a challenge for young men quickly became accepted by young women as well. Youths in all 50 states and several countries mow lawns and do yard work free of charge for the elderly, disabled, single mothers and veterans. In the winter months they shovel snow and clear sidewalks.

He is shaping the youth of today into fine adults for tomorrow. For every 10 lawns they mow participants in the 50 yard challenge receive a t-shirt of a unique color to represent the level they have achieved. The colors are reminiscent of the colors of Karate belts and meant to show the progress of each participant. When they complete the challenge by having mowed 50 lawns free of charge they are awarded with a brand new lawn mower, weed whacker and blower which enables them to continue their lawn care efforts and start a business if they choose.

Additionally, Rodney works tirelessly to assist the homeless communities in the US. His road trips to support homeless people around the U.S. are legendary. During the Christmas season Rodney takes gifts and food to the homeless and uses his car to light up a small Christmas tree while they open their presents. Also at Christmas time, Rodney takes requests from people whose children would otherwise not have a Christmas and creates wish-lists on Amazon so that his supporters may provide presents to the children anonymously.

On top of all of the above community services Rodney supports those who have medical situations resulting in large expenses. He accepts letters of nomination and his supporters vote on which person to award the donations to. He has helped so many people who faced tough economic hardships due to medical debt. During the pandemic Rodney partnered with a church to make meals that he delivers to the elderly who otherwise may not have food. He also delivers pizzas to first responders, all free of charge.

Rodney is selfless, kind, compassionate and giving. He is always thinking of the next person or project to support. He has traveled all 50 states mowing lawns for police officers. He has done a tour for autism awareness, inviting autistic residents of each state to mow a lawn with him. Rodney has traveled around the US challenging little children to a bubble-blowing mower contest. He ignites a passion for lawn care in these children. His interactions with people are filled with love and kindness. Rodney has made the lives of so many people better just by doing acts of kindness. He works tirelessly and asks for nothing for himself. I cannot imagine a more deserving person for this generous trip. Here is the story of how he got started.



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