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WINNER: Keith VanBrunt, Emergency Flight Nurse
NOMINATED BY: Robin Barfield, Cruise Planners

Keith is an Emergency Flight Nurse in Worland, Wyoming. During the Covid-19 Pandemic he was asked to travel to New Mexico to assist the Navajo Nation with their healthcare needs. It was a total shambles and shocked him more than he will say. He worked tirelessly, taking care of people that were extremely vulnerable and high risk in many cases without sleep. He and the team that he was with, provided much needed relief to the Navajo people who were dying en masse. This was all on top of his daily responsibilities in his home state. He had become quite distressed after being tested for antibodies, because he thought that he had suffered with the virus in January, but found that he did not possess the antibodies. He was frustrated that he could not offer anything that might help more people recover.

Lastly, he perpetuates his healing spirit as his son, an Army Medic was sent to help at the Javitz Center in NYC and his wife is a medical administrator that is always working to bring better healthcare services to their community. I urge you to consider this very deserving man for your trip.

CST #2071444-20